
Welcome to the special architectural consultancy service of ANDERSBERATER:INNEN

Are you an architect and want to start a business?

Do you want to do “your own thing”?
Do you want to avoid classic beginner’s mistakes and get into trading quickly?
Do you want to develop entrepreneurial qualities and learn from experts?

These are some of our topics at a glance:

Das Architekturbüro als Geschäftsmodell betrachten!
Be well organised right from the start!
Develop your own corporate strategy!

It usually starts with a thorough bottleneck analysis. This can be compared to the medical history of a doctor. The next concrete steps are then derived from this.

Among others, you will get your advice from me, the first lecturer for entrepreneurship for architects at a German university!

All of our specialised architectural consultants are (former or active) architects with many years of professional experience! I have personally been advising architects for 20 years in the areas of foundation, organisation and strategy development!

#Gründerplattform: We have been a consulting partner of the start-up platform since Mail 2024 because we can advise and support you even better in the area due to the numerous helpful tools there.

I look forward to a good working relationship.

Carsten Hokema