Coachin Irina Tarasova

Irina Alexandra

Your area of specialization:
(Your focus)

Supporting early stage entrepreneurs (especially in creative and ‘helping’ areas) to ensure they have a strong internal foundation to build on by being clear about the purpose of their business:

  • find their unique selling point at the interface between their authentic self and what is needed on the market.
  • Clarifying the question of who your ideal customer is and how you can approach them.
  • Gain self-confidence to know what they have to offer and charge accordingly.
  • Create a plan and structure that works for them.

Werdegang: (Career)

Maths and economics teacher at a university for expats who want to study in Germany ->
Full-time waiter in a rural Bavaria ->
Career ladder in a Fortune 500 company ->
Business Coach & Trainer

Your “signature” as a coach/counsellor:
(Your signature as a coach)

Calling out your bs but in the most compassionate way

What are you particularly happy about in your work as a coach/consultant?
(What do you most enjoy in your job as a coach?)

Watching people pursue their dreams and achieve or be more than anyone (including themselves) would have thought possible.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?
(What does your perfect day have to have?)

Sport, learning something new, meaningful connections… and good food 🙂

Your favorite quote:
(Favorite quote)

“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.
If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” – Lewis Carrol

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):
(Describe yourself in 3 words)

Curious, amiable, searching

Your favorite place:
(Your favorite place)


What advice do you give to your coachees?
(What’s one piece of advice you give to your coachees?)

Slow down to speed up

Anne Büttner

Your area of specialization:

Text and storytelling


As a copywriter and storytelling coach, I show you how to become visible you’re your story authentically and confidently.

Since my first visit to the cinema, the magic of storytelling has never left me. Storytelling makes me feel like I can go out into the world and see it a little differently. With your story, you too can showcase the world what you want to your customers!

Everything you need is already inside you – your personality and story. Your business’s story can help make a difference in the world, while still staying true to yourself.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

I am always thrilled to see how much energy and passion the founders have for bringing their ideas into the world. It gives me great pleasure to support them on their journey and to accompany them into the light.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Sun. A good book. A good movie. Pen and paper. A rock or a climbing gym.

Your favorite quote:

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’ll be right either way.”
Henry Ford

Your favorite place:

Too many…

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Start before you feel “ready” and get out there. Because then you can really make a difference.

Sabine Clever

You are an expert in:

Business plan (text/figures) Start-up grant application I and II.


Trained as a business coach, trainer and journalist. Working as a consultant for start-ups, self-employment and companies for almost 20 years. Judge at the Businessplan Wettbe- werb Berlin-Brandenburg for the evaluation of business plans. Listed for training events and start-up coaching at the BmWi/bafa.

Your “signature” as a coach:

Structured, to the point, step-by-step instructions.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

Being able to help people who are still at the very beginning of their self-employment journey.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

The clients’ relief when the numerical part, as well as the entire application for the start-up grant has been prepared quickly.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Creative activities.

Your favorite quote:

Every Day is Day One (Jeff Bezos)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Structured, smart, humorous

Your favorite place:

Terrace with a sea view

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Divide big tasks into smaller tasks, but do not do everything yourself, get support from experts.

Nikola Niksa Eterovic

Your area of specialization:

My area includes creative entrepreneurship innovations. I work in an interdisciplinary and intercultural way. The central theme is creativity; it’s liberating, encouraging, and nurturing abilities.


My fields of activity are a) Life coaching and philosophical counselling; b) Theatre direction and projects; c) Prevention, resocialisation and therapy; d) innovations in creative entrepreneurship e) Educational topics.
I am an author of new working methods to promote creativity and personal development.

Your “signature” as a coach:

My consulting is future-oriented, for which we find content, strength and strategy in the present.

I advise:
– at crossroads of life (orientation coaching, life coaching),
– breaking the burdens of the past (Yellow Fish , creative techniques Y)
– the creation of new ideas and insights as well as the clarification of the future (entrepreneurship and philosophical consulting).

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

positive atmosphere

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

All the new people I meet

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

light and darkness

Your favorite quote:

It is not written yet

Your life motto:

not yet found, never sought

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words) :

Curiosity – Intuition – Determination

Your favorite place:

Where I have never been

What advice do you give to your coachees?

When working with me, clients notice, express, and act alone – adequately for themselves

Sushi or Pizza?

Sushi AND pizza

Sea or the mountains?

Sea AND mountains

Sweet or salty?

Sweet AND salty

Andreas Fiedler

You are an expert in:

Potentiality DNA, Future Self and Systemic Constellations.


Dipl.-V.-W., Public Management Konstanz, Berlin and Potsdam
Marketing specialist and strategy consultant (IHK)
regular training in communication and personal development
since 2003 self-employed in communication and consulting
since 2016 Business-Coach and Systemic Constellator in Potsdam

What are you particularly happy about in your work as a coach?

The recurring and lasting aha-experiences in coaching, a lightbulb moment.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

A lunch and a walk in the park together

Your favorite quote:

“Every strong image becomes reality.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Serene, Clear & Open Minded

Your favorite place:


What advice do you give to your coachees?

Breathe and be kind to yourself.

Sushi or Pizza?

My food is grown not born

Sea or the mountains?

Sea and mountains

Sweet or salty?

Lactic fermentation.

Bianca Grams

Your area of specialization:

Strategic marketing with a focus on sustainable visibility on the web


I am a qualified advertising manager with numerous further training courses.

In 20 years of professional experience, I have got to know almost all areas of marketing and fell in love with the colourful online world early on. Websites, blogs, newsletters, social media, content marketing & search engine optimisation (SEO) are my hobbyhorses.

Since 2022, as a self-employed marketing consultant, I have been showing other entrepreneurs how to become sustainably and relaxedly visible online with their heartfelt business.

As a passionate blogger, I run a personal advice blog with inspiration for more joie de vivre and a marketing blog with expert knowledge for business.

Your “signature” as a coach:

I like to work holistically, individually and respond to the needs of my clients. My clients appreciate my multicoloured marketing knowledge in combination with my creative ideas.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

My need is to support founders in developing a marketing strategy that also matches their personality, so that they feel comfortable with their marketing and are authentic in their business.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

A few minutes of yoga each morning.

Your favorite quote:

“Das Leben ist wie Fotografieren: Fokussiere dich auf die schönen Dinge, halte die guten Momente fest und entwickle dich aus den Negativen.” Author unknown

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

– Enthusiasm

· Empathy

– Joy of life

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Establish routines and fixed procedures that make everyday work easier. Marketing should be fun and not stressful!

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?


Anthea Heise

Your area of specialization:

WordPress websites, SEO, technical connections and links for your business, email marketing


At the beginning of 2022, I applied for a start-up grant, fought my way through my business plan and set up my own business as a WordPress expert. That means I can understand very well what every founder goes through. Over the years, I have acquired my knowledge of WordPress, websites and technology through various courses and seminars and deepened it through personal experience. I would now like to use these to support you in the development of your business. 😊

Your “signature” as a coach:

Every coaching session is individual, we look together at how and where you need support and go the way together. 😊

What do you particularly like about your work for Andersberater:innen?

To accompany founders in their business and share tips and experiences. 😊

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Sun & nature

Your life motto:

You only regret what you didn’t do.😊

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

honest, reliable, funny

Your favorite place:


What advice do you give to your coachees?

One thing at a time and it doesn’t have to be perfect. 😊

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?


Carsten Hokema

You are an expert in:

Innovative business models, strategy and (self-)organization.


For most of my life, curiosity and thirst for knowledge have driven and guided me. I became an architect and worked my way through the entire range of this interesting profession. After 20 years, I dedicated myself to coaching founders and entrepreneurs. My next profession will be that of an entrepreneur. I still have a lot to learn. Growing through learning is the greatest joy for me.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

I like to work with models, flipcharts, and systemic representations.

What do you like most about your work for the andersberater:innen?

I like andersberater:innen, because it is a friendly and lively place of creation, and I get to exchange with interesting and wonderful people.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

A good (strong) coffee in the morning, concentrated creative work, and good conversations.

Your favorite quote:

“What you do makes a difference. You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” (Jane Gooddall)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Curiosity, friendship, and intensity.

Your favorite place:

My favorite place to be is on a sailboat in a beautiful anchorage to swim, cook, eat, talk ….

What advice do you give to your coachees?

“Potentiality unfolds only through actions. So take action and develop the things that move you.”

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?

first fries, then ice cream.

Anke Kautz

Your area of specialization:

Communication, conflict management, gender diversity


My professional career started as a journalist. After training as a mediator and embarking on a new path, the idea of supporting other people on their new paths sparked my interest. Getting trained as coach provided me with the necessary tools to orient in this field, and the topic of gender and diversity grabbed my interest after I started working on the subject of equal opportunities. This makes up my exciting day-to-day work as a freelancer.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

When clients figure out something that allows them to take new steps.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

it depends…

Your life motto:

The way is the goal

Your favorite place:

remains my secret

What advice do you give to your coachees?

None, I usually ask questions.

Ruth Lemmen

Your area of specialization:

I am an enthusiastic networker who focuses on the industries of digital economy, games, film, VR/AR, and artificial intelligence. My topics are innovation management, serious games & gamification, start-ups, national and European funding and financing, as well as the challenges and opportunities of the working world in times of digitalization.


I work as a systemic coach, project manager and expert for the European Commission and I am co-founder of Womenize! – a platform that advocates for diversity in tech, games, and the digital economy. From 2006-2013, I coordinated; I was responsible for strategically developing gamescom for the German games industry association. I completed my studies in Romance languages and literature in Berlin, Paris, and Mexico City. After that, I worked in event management at a post-production house in Babelsberg.

Your “signature” as a coach:

Circular questioning and systemic approach are my guidelines.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

The social contact and working with interesting and very different people.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

The sun

Your life motto:

Doing is like wanting – only more blatant

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

empathetic, authentic, committed

Your favorite place:

The Charlottenburg Palace Park in August, in the morning at 7.00 a.m.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

I quote Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?


Ramona Lummer

Your area of specialization:

Business model & strategy development, positioning, self-employment as a scanner personality, diverse working models with several mainstays


After studying Interdisciplinary Media Studies, I worked in corporate communications for around six years. The focus was on editorial work for various media, strategy development and project management.

I founded my first part-time business in 2019 – at that time with group courses in nature connection and nature mentoring. Today, as a coach, I accompany people with several professional passions on their way to a business model that integrates their many interests and fits their lives.

Your “signature” as a coach:

A good mixture of strategic-conceptual work and the transformation of blockages, doubts and fears. Where appropriate, combined with nature coaching and nature-cyclical process support.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

About the motivation and enthusiasm of my coachees in moments when a new realisation “seeps through” – and completely new possibilities open up as a result.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Concentrated work on creative projects, time in nature and for reading, good conversations with friends

Your favorite quote:

Sagen Sie mir, was haben Sie mit diesem einen wilden und kostbaren Leben vor? –Mary Oliver

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

versatile, curious, creative

Your favorite place:

my garden bench on a summer morning

What advice do you give to your coachees?

When it comes to your professional fulfilment, there is no right or wrong – your business model should suit you and your needs.

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?

both 😉

Thomas Mampel

You are an expert in:

Team coaching, start-ups in the social sector

Your area of specialization:

Management, project management, team development


I am a trained social worker, co-founder of a non-profit organisation that now employs around 230 people and managing partner of ANDERSBERATER/INNEN. On the side, I am a trained team developer (Teamworks, Hamburg) and honorary federal chairman of the Association for Social-Cultural Work, the professional association for neighbourhood and district work in Germany.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

There is no substitute for experience. With my wealth of experience (successes and failures), I stand by the side of founders and teams and accompany them in finding and moving their way.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

I like it very much when visions and “abstracts” and sometimes unsorted ideas become concrete, sustainable, functioning projects and ventures. I like to support this with advice and action.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Coffee…., lots of coffee…….

Your life motto:

Everything we are is the result of our thinking.

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Persistent, friendly, confident

Your favorite place:

any beach at the Baltic Sea

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Listen to your intuition, look for experts you trust, be diligent and don’t forget the breaks.

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?

why or?

Viktor Miller

You are an expert in:

  • Business models
  • Positioning
  • Formation formalities
  • Operating business before and after foundation


  • Over 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur and managing director
  • 10 years of experience in event management
  • 5 years of IT consulting & software sales
  • Four years of project management in logistics & e-commerce
  • Three successful start-ups, incl. Sale of the company
  • Leading start-up seminars and workshops at universities & colleges and business development organisations

Your “signature” as a coach:

  • Over 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur and managing director
  • 10 years of experience in event management
  • 5 years of IT consulting & software sales
  • Four years of project management in logistics & e-commerce
  • Three successful start-ups, incl. Sale of the company
  • Leading start-up seminars and workshops at universities & colleges and business development organisations

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

In individual counselling sessions and group workshops, I repeatedly find that if there is no one in your family or circle of acquaintances who is self-employed or an entrepreneur, you are often denied the professional or career option of self-employment for a long time because you don’t come into contact with it and don’t question it.

Perhaps it’s due to a lack of role models. Perhaps the school system, which tends to prepare students for a life as an employee.

The fact is: I look forward every day to contributing to the start-up spirit and entrepreneurship in Germany and encouraging even more people to start up and take action.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

  • My family
  • Sport
  • Delicious food (something with grilled aubergines, garlic, hummus or lamb)

Your favorite quote:

“Jeder Fortschritt findet außerhalb der Komfortzone statt” Michael John Bobak

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

optimistic, humorous, inquisitive

Your favorite place

Crete in the late summer afternoon, somewhere by the sea

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Get started and gain your first experience! Optimisation is always possible.

Sushi or Pizza?

Pizza and occasionally pasta

Sea or the mountains?

Forest and mountains by the sea

Sweet or salty?

Definitely savoury, but sometimes I also like an apple turnover

Julia Miske

You are an expert in:

Matching – the ideal combination between people, things, topics,

Your fields of specialization:

Product development and business model development, positioning
Smart Business Concepts, and individual coaching roadmaps


My professional path has always led me to different creative fields. As a graduate designer, I worked independently in the field of brand development, corporate design, and editorial design. Some of my works have been awarded by the Art Directors Club, among others. 10 years ago I started a fashion label with a focus on the production of individual knitwear

At the same time, I became increasingly involved with the topic of “entrepreneurship” as well as “mindful businesses” and got into start-up consulting bit by bit.

You could say that I first dedicated myself to the output and later found my passion in “laying the foundation” – very close to the human being.

Your “signature” as a coach:

Alert, clear-minded. Head, heart, and gut in harmony.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

It is with great joy and gratitude that I welcome all our clients and connect them to the right coaches. I am available for any concerns during the entire coaching process, and I often am the one who says goodbye to our clients at the end. Looking over an individual’s journey from A to Z is great.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

I love to surround myself, listen, encourage and think with people who want to get the best out of themselves and their ideas. It makes me happy to contribute to a more conscious, happier society and friendly economy.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Connectedness, light, movement, nature, good conversations, delicious food and the experience of having discovered, tried or learned something new.

Your favorite quote:

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll never always get what you’ve always got”
Henry Ford

Your life motto:

Quality over quantity! Good things take time.

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Curiosity, intuition, quality awareness

Your favorite place:

On a small, quiet lake surrounded by mountains covered with snow.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

  1. Practice being loving and patient with yourself and smiling at your imperfections.
  2. Surround yourself with people who give you strength, inspire you, and support your growth.

Sushi or Pizza? Sweet or salty?

Anything, as long as it’s plant-based, lovingly prepared, and delicious!

Sea or the mountains?

Mountains by the water and water on the mountains.

Nina Mücke

Your area of specialization:

Professionalisation and positioning in the field of visual arts / creative industries

Works and potential analysis
Structuring creative project or business ideas
Professionalisation and self-marketing / communication strategy
Positioning / locating in the art and creative market / network building

Aesthetic advice / presentation check:

Portfolio, website, applications
Vita / CV / Designing an Artistic Career
Text and layout optimisation: website, portfolio, cover letters, project applications

Mindset / working structure (routine)

Releasing creative blockades
Reactivating enthusiasm
Creating structures for work rhythm and creative flow


I have gone through numerous projects and exhibitions as a freelance curator and cultural manager. Now I combine the experience and knowledge from my work in the national and international art and culture business, with playful-creative tools and solution-oriented coaching.

Your “signature” as a coach:

A positive orientation, humor and being light. Exploring and creating new paths holistic paths together.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

Moments of successful co-creativity: tracking down, discovering, creating, and being enthusiastic about something meaningful together.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Birds chirping and breakfast in the sun.

Your favorite quote:

All things become a source of pleasure when you love them. Thomas von Aquin

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Creative spiritual free spirit

Your favorite place:

Anywhere where nature feels alive and free.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Every process needs time!

Sea or the mountains?

Sea with mountain

Inga Nietzelt

Expert in…

Logo development and corporate design

Aesthetic advice / presentation check:

Portfolio, website, applications
Vita / CV / Designing an Artistic Career

Text and layout optimisation:

Optimierung von Text und Layout:


I have been passionately involved in the creative industry for over 18 years.

As a fashion designer, I have worked for various companies, founded my own label and taught at the international art school ESMOD.

For over 4 years now, I have been working independently as a creator and developing unique design solutions for creatives, and founders of small to medium-sized companies.

With a great passion for graphics, colors, and textures, I combine an artistic approach with simplicity and strategy.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

Invent, try, grow, take risks, break the rules, make mistakes and have fun.

Invent, try, grow, take risks, break the rules, make mistakes and have fun. It’s about figuring out what best communicates the brand’s message & furthers the company’s goals. To do that, you must ask the right questions, listen, and let your intuition guide you.

The ability to combine things that have nothing to do with each other, to look at them in a completely unbiased way, and to break free from the conventional corset. That is design! I burn for what I do!

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

Capturing the vision and values together and helping to build a beautiful & sustainable brand identity.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Matcha Latte

Your favorite quote or life motto:

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling as unique as a fingerprint – – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of services, working hard and letting the energy of the universe guide you.” -Oprah Winfrey

What makes you stand out (in 3 words):

Creativity — Lightness — Empathy

What advice do you give to your coachees?


Whether it’s good or bad luck, if we give meaning to everything that comes our way, we can turn it into something valuable. Everything we experience can help us grow.

Your favorite place:

My yoga mat

Sushi or Pizza?

Definitely vegan 😉

Sea or the mountains?

Mountains by the sea

Sweet or salty?

Sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart – a little of each to keep our body in balance 😉

Siegrid Nordhausen

You are an expert in:

Labor and contract law, skillful negotiation, receivables management, corporate forms, asylum law, diversity management, change management, corporate health management, corporate integration management.


2007 – 2018 continuing education

2014 – 2016 Berlin Certificate for University Teaching

2003 -2004 Training as a business mediator at the Institut für
dispute culture in Berlin

1999 – 2001 Training as a club and association manager at the Berlin State Sports School

1981 – 1985 Legal clerkship at the Court of Appeal in Berlin

1974 – 1980 Law at the Free University in Berlin
Graduation: 1st state graduate lawyer

Your “signature” as a coach:

I am said to be able to explain complicated concepts simply.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

I like that I can always meet new ideas and people and help them answer their questions so they can focus on their actual start-up idea.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

The balance of challenges, success and recovery.

Your favorite quote:

If you don’t move, you will be moved.

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Active, emphatic, and creative

Your favorite place:

by the sea

What advice do you give to your coachees?

If you believe in your idea, don’t let obstacles discourage you.

Nico Nowarra

Your area of specialization:

Strategic alignment of companies, defining target groups


After studying computer science and political science, I worked as a broadcast journalist, in the back office, and at the microphone. I started writing for print magazines and teaching at various universities in Berlin.
After about 11 years in radio, I was drawn to the other side and became part of a technology start-up. There I spent the next few years helping to strategically align the company and represent the company at events.
For the last two years I have been offering my experience as a freelancer again.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

I find the exchange with entrepreneurs particularly enriching. Adapting to people’s different backgrounds and careers is an important part of my work.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

I need to be close to my family and have some time to myself to read a good book or watch an exciting movie.

Your favorite quote:

The state of all human morality can be summed up in two sentences: We ought to. But we don’t. (Kurt Tucholsky)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

I want to understand.

Your favorite place:

On the beach in Sardinia.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Stay honest with yourself.

Sushi or Pizza?

Today like this, tomorrow like that.

Sea or the mountains?

More sea!

Sweet or salty?


Karolin Rist

My specialization – My passion

My focus is branding and web design for solopreneurs and startups that start small and gray, but think big and green.

The development of a website takes us through several exciting stages. Thereby I support and develop in the individual depth you need. At ANDERSBERATER/INNEN,we usually start with the website conception. For this basic step, I provide you with an online workbook in advance so that we can move forward quickly and confidently. Your positioning will be sharpened communicatively, a visual guiding idea will be developed, the menu will be worked out, functions will be defined – always from the perspective of your target groups. Based on the concept, I will guide you step by step to build your website in WordPress (Divi Builder) or in WIX. In addition, we define important keywords and make other basic on-page SEO settings. Side by side, your unmistakable brand face is created on the web. With a little celebration in the air, it may then be said: “Hello world!”

My signature – My experience

When working with you, I see myself as:

My career – My expertise

On the one hand, my expertise is based on extensive experiential knowledge in online communications, which I have acquired over the past eight years, both during several professional stints in the private and public sectors, at home and abroad, as well as through volunteer work. My employers have included: GVL, Quadriga Media, DAkkS, Mynewsdesk, German Embassy Pretoria, Goethe-Institut Kolkata, UNESCO Bangkok, F.A.Z., Deutsche Welle Bonn, Viertelkultur e.V..

On the other hand, my competencies are based on profound professional knowledge, which I acquired through my Bachelor’s degree in Media Management and a Master’s degree in Communication Management (PR).

With the start of my successful self-employment in 2020, digital brand building – narrative, sustainable & resonant – is my whole professional dedication. Constants in my life are:

  • Continuous education
  • A natural connection to everything that stimulates the mind and delights the senses.
  • A strong interest in my surroundings

From the inner feedback with the outer current on the experienced also my works win: From the honest interest in the change of perspective, from the stimulation of my imagination, from the recognition of the narratives behind it. I have been working and living in Berlin since 2014.

My life motto

“How can I know what is good and the right thing to do until I have seen and tested it.”

Your favorite place

I feel comfortable with a good connection to myself and the people around me almost everywhere. But if I get to choose: Woods.

Sushi or Pizza?

Well with pizza you can already get an enjoyable “Mhmmm” out of me.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Good conversations. Good air. Good work. Good food.

Sea or the mountains?

If only the Alps were on the South Sea….

Sweet or salty?

Rather salty. But sweet makes the morning all the more beautiful.

Tobias Rothenberger

Expert in…

Logo development and corporate design


Tobias Rothenberger is an internationally awarded designer. He designed for Joop!, s.Oliver and was Head of Design for the premium label Yoqu.

Since 2005, in addition to his work as a designer, he has also worked as a lecturer in Computer-Aided Design, including at the international art academy ESMOD.

He is the founder of and develops logos, CI (corporate identity) and innovative concepts for numerous founders and start-ups.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

Listening, understanding, and sensing the company’s philosophy are the most important. To let the essence flow into the logo and the corporate design is high art.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

I love working with people who have come to a very special point in their lives. They are at a crossroads for their future. Helping them develop significant elements of their independence is just incredible. Love it.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

On a perfect day, I am in flow with my clients. It’s bubbling with energy and good ideas fly back and forth like balls of ping pong and at the end, there is a “wow”. A perfect logo, a perfect CI.

Your favorite quote or life motto:

It may sound a bit cliche. But “love your neighbors as you love yourself.” This sentence contains quite a lot. I almost always like my customers immediately. And then it’s easy to work on something with someone and develop an energy you would otherwise only have for yourself.

What makes you stand out (in 3 words):

Passion, creativity, optimism

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Don’t just think with your head, listen to your gut too.

Your favorite place:

I love so many different places. But for sure Nazaré in Portugal is a magical place. The Atlantic coast is fantastic. It looks like the design office of the good Lord. Every 100m looks different, but is always incredibly beautiful.

Sushi or Pizza?
Sea or the mountains?
Sweet or salty?

In all cases, both. Diversity is life!

Barbara Schackwiz

Barbara Schackwitz

You are an expert in:

Development of professional perspectives, career counseling, application training, job placement, counseling for further education, re-training, and qualification.
Languages: german, polish, russian.


I have been working as a freelance trainer, intercultural consultant, job and career coach for over 22 years.
I am a Certified Systemic Coach, Train the Trainer, Intercultural Consultant.
In my job and career coaching, I offer guidance to anyone in motion, who wants to define new professional goals, and needs support in finding a career.
Target groups: Specialists and executives, career starters, job changers, re-entrants, start-ups, entrepreneurs, university graduates, as well as migrants from various backgrounds.

What do you like most about your work for ANDERSBERATER:INNEN?

The efficient collaborations with colleagues. Also, the variety of experiences, knowledge, and skills that carve out the perfect offer for our coachees. Above all, this is what makes our joint work so successful.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

? I am happy about the joint goal setting and collaborative solution development for our client’s concern.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

On my perfect day, ideally, the set goals should be achieved as much as possible.

Your life motto:

“Only through movement comes movement”.

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

My positive outlook on life, humor and a strong sense of empathy.

Your favorite place:

Places by the sea

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Turn off your self-doubt: Have the courage to dare something new professionally!

Frank Schürmann

Your area of specialization:

Psychological Business Coaching,
Business plan, financial control, liquidity planning, blockade check, business change support


Thanks to my more than 20 years of professional experience in finance and accounting (most recently as an executive in an international software group), I can build a financial control system with you and help you with the long-term planning of your sales targets.
As a Systemic-Integrative Coach, ECA, we will look for underlying patterns and beliefs that have prevented you professionally or privately, from living the life you have always desired deep inside. Together we will develop personal strategies that will allow you to achieve your goals and reach your true calling.
At the same time, as a psychotherapist (according to the HeilprG), I will help you find a solution-oriented way of dealing with the increasing challenges of the new working world.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

Always keep the whole person in mind, including their values and way of being. With my training experiences, I couple the world of management consulting with those of personal development. I adapt to the different needs of my clients and help them move forward. This can mean we take the time to look at deeper issues and obstacles. This methodology makes it possible to set and achieve durable goals and solutions that would otherwise not last in pure management consultancy.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

When I have made my clients move forward or have found ways out of a crisis. I love working with people and I accompany them on their way to greatness.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?


Your favorite quote:

“When joy is in our lives, moments of happiness flow by themselves.”
―Ernst Ferstl

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Analytical head and gut person with a big heart.

Your favorite place:

It’s always nice by the sea, preferably the Atlantic.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Everyone has their own timeline; take the pressure off you and don’t get stuck with hindering beliefs. There is no such thing as too late to start or change something.

Maren von Stockhausen

Your fields of specialization:

Professional orientation (job and career coaching),
Burnout & Stress Management, Personal Growth, Conflict Resolution,
Mindfulness, positive self-management, Human Design


I have been involved in holistic personal growth for over 25 years. As a graphic designer, I worked independently for 18 years with great dedication. My experiences with various people, systems and needs have intensified my understanding of others. In my work as a systemic coach & mediator, my focus is on potentiality development, resilience, inner drive, mindfulness, and social culture in the context of the professional world and personal life.

Your “signature” as a coach:

As we work together, I ask my coachees questions about their personal and professional orientations and competencies. It is also usually about the search for a meaningful occupation. Together we find out what your professional path could be.

I am deeply convinced that the world needs people who listen to their intuition and heart and shape their lives self-determined and powerfully according to their true nature. The world needs people who are connected to their essence, who can develop and live with their very own abilities, and who experience peace within themselves and thus work for themselves and the world.

With different creative methods, visualizations, and mindfulness practices I encourage you to bring hidden treasures into the light. Changes in perspective create new ways of seeing the world and bring about clarity on which path to take. We strengthen self-efficacy to achieve personal and professional goals, improve intuition, and inspire to become your own life’s creator.

What are you most excited about in your work as a coach?

Bringing hidden treasures into the light and strengthening self-efficacy together.

Your favorite quote:

Enormous energy is released when we all finally drop our masks, and dare to be ourselves.
Frederic Laloux

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Empathy, calmness, presence

What advice do you give to your coachees?

The peace we find within ourselves will have an impact on the world.

Tanja Tilly Till

You are an expert in:

I am a business and life coach as well as a copywriter.

My specials are intuitive copywriting, dynamic constellations and wingwave ®.


From a graduate in business administration with a focus on journalism, I became a copywriter for small and international companies. I was able to experience the beauty of learning and teaching as a Waldorf class teacher of an inclusion class. At the Dr. Bock Coaching Academy I trained as a systemic life coach. Because it just works well, I have furthered my education in walking in your shoes, wingwave® and Reiki and work as a lecturer and facilitator for workshops. As a business and life coach, I support courageous people who want to change, including crisp wording if desired.

Your “signature” as a coach:

Intuitive as well as creative, empathetic as well as honest, pragmatic as well as energetic.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

Building a business, becoming self-employed, daring to try something new. The step to start a business requires so much courage and is such an important process in our society that I love to support.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Love, success and relaxation

Your favorite motto:

Fiat Lux! (Let there be light!)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Optimistic, sensitive, imaginative.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

First of all, pat yourself on the back! And then dare to ask: How could it be really nice?

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?


Maria Trapp

Your area of specialization:

I specialize in marketing, especially online marketing focusing on sustainable business models and marketing strategies.


As an external freelancer I help companies & self-employed people develop and implement their unique (online) marketing strategies.
I gained different experiences with various clients and in a digital agency, and I now pass on what I have learned to founders through coaching sessions. The coaching focuses on the joint development of a personal (online) marketing strategy.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

As a coach at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN, I can help founders find their way through the marketing jungle and identify the measures that are relevant to them, develop their marketing strategy without requiring a large budget myself.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Well-thought-out and sustainable business models, goals and values are the basis of a good marketing strategy. Often less is more. Authenticity, transparency, meaningfulness and individuality are the keys to successful marketing.

Claudia Wagner

Du bist Experte/in für…

Accompanying clients during their personal development and identifying their individual needs during challenging and exciting times. As such, I support my clients in defining new goals, finding and going their own way – on a career path as an entrepreneur, but also as an individual.

Your area of specialization:

Holistic personality development: biography-oriented analysis of competencies and roles, recognition of conducive structures and development of alternative options for action, (re)discovery and use of your passion(s) and competencies.

Product/company/professional idea development and goal setting, role plays on negotiation and self-presentation, finding out together what is fun, motivating, and energizing.

Additionally for founders: Entrepreneurs in personality development, ideal customer profile, gender competence for organization processes, product development and HR.

Text development: application documents, website texts, product descriptions, editing.


Systemic therapist, sex and couple’s therapist, and experienced marketing expert. My professional competencies are diverse, my multidimensional perspective inspires my work as a coach and therapist. I focus on people in all their facets while simultaneously maintaining a focus on their goals.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

The diversity of the people I meet here, and to accompany one in developing and implementing ideas, overcoming obstacles, and accepting their limitations.

Your life motto:

There is always something to discover!

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Openness, enthusiasm, interdisciplinarity.

Your favorite place:

Somewhere in the sun

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Find the desire and listen to it well.

Sushi or Pizza?

Fresh bread with butter