Start your own business with the start-up grant!
Many people dream of becoming self-employed and realizing their own dreams. For some, financial uncertainty is an obstacle at the beginning. But this is not necessary. Many people dream of becoming self-employed and realizing their own dreams. For some, financial uncertainty is an obstacle at the beginning. But this is not necessary. The start-up grant is a subsidy in the amount of your unemployment benefit plus €300. This is paid for six months and does not have to be repaid, even if you decide against self-employment during the six months. One of the requirements for the start-up grant is that you must still be entitled to ALG 1 for 150 days.
You can calculate the amount of your start-up grant here. Please note that the result calculated and displayed here is only intended as a guide for you. The exact value still depends on the tax class, your place of residence and the average gross income of the last 6 months. But we want to keep it simple here.
The result is therefore not legally binding.
Do you receive unemployment benefit 1?
I do not receive unemployment benefit 1.
A prerequisite for the start-up grant is that you are receiving unemployment benefit 1. If you are receiving citizen’s allowance, you have the option of receiving an AVGS for coaching. For example, for the areas of taxes, accounting, website, marketing strategy, business plan. At the end of the coaching programme, your viability can be certified and you can receive start-up money for nine months. After all, that’s €300 per month. It’s best to book a free appointment directly and we’ll explain all the next steps to you.
I will soon be receiving unemployment benefit 1.
This is very good, because a prerequisite for receiving the start-up grant is that you become self-employed from unemployment and are still entitled to at least 150 days of unemployment benefit 1. Would you like to work out how much the start-up grant will be?
Click on .I am employed.
You are not initially entitled to a start-up grant if you are currently employed. The prerequisite for this is that you are in receipt of benefits and have at least 150 days of remaining entitlement to unemployment benefit 1. Nevertheless, you should keep this in mind, because very often it is not possible to be self-employed if you are still working full-time. Simply cancelling your contract in order to receive unemployment benefit is associated with a possible suspension. If you’re thinking about it, be sure to seek advice. Book a free appointment with us.
Are you still entitled to at least 150 days of unemployment benefit 1?
I have no 150 days of unemployment benefit 1.
In addition to receiving unemployment benefit 1, a prerequisite for the start-up subsidy is a minimum remaining period of unemployment benefit of 150 days. In many cases, an AVGS (activation and placement voucher) can be issued. You can use this to complete a start-up coaching programme. For example, on the topics of business plan including figures, marketing strategy, website, search engine optimisation, logo, corporate identity, accounting and taxes. Book a free consultation appointment with us. We tell you what you need to do to obtain an AVGS.
What is your net income?
Do you have children?
Congratulations to you,
You have the option of receiving a start-up grant. This will probably be and will be paid for 6 months.This is expected to be between €2367 and €3228. As your gross income is above the cap of 7450€, we recommend that you have the exact amount calculated by the Employment Agency In any case, you can receive the start-up grant.To do this, you must submit a business plan, register a business if necessary and submit a certificate of viability. If your income is within a certain range according to the profitability calculation, it is very likely that you will be granted a start-up subsidy. You can also be issued with an AVGS (activation and placement voucher). You can use this to complete a start-up coaching programme. For example, on the topics of business plan including figures, subsidies, marketing strategy, website, search engine optimisation, logo, corporate identity, accounting and taxes. The load capacity certificate can also be issued.
Book a free consultation with us and we will help you to obtain an AVGS and apply for the start-up grant.
Congratulations to you,
You have the option of receiving a start-up grant. This will probably be and will be paid for 6 months.This is expected to be between €2120.70 and €2891.40. As your gross income is above the cap of 7450€, we recommend that you have the exact amount calculated by the Employment Agency In any case, you can receive the start-up grant.To do this, you must submit a business plan, register a business if necessary and submit a certificate of viability. If your income is within a certain range according to the profitability calculation, it is very likely that you will be granted a start-up subsidy. You can also be issued with an AVGS (activation and placement voucher). You can use this to complete a start-up coaching programme. For example, on the topics of business plan including figures, subsidies, marketing strategy, website, search engine optimisation, logo, corporate identity, accounting and taxes. The load capacity certificate can also be issued. Book a free consultation with us and we will help you to obtain an AVGS.
Book a free consultation with us and we will help you to obtain an AVGS and apply for the start-up grant.
Wie du den Gründungszuschuss erhältst und wo du ihn beantragst, erklären wir dir in einem kurzen persönlichen Gespräch. Of course, the counselling session and all coaching sessions can also take place online. No matter where you come from, you are very welcome.
Simply book a free consultation with Julia or Tobias.
We will help you to apply for the start-up grant. There are no costs involved. Of course, the start-up subsidy is only a small part of becoming successfully self-employed.
We, DIE ANDERSBERATER:INNEN GmbH, has successfully accompanied hundreds of entrepreneurs into self-employment since 2006.
Whether you are looking for a suitable business idea or want to develop a business model, whether you need a strategy for customer acquisition or a business plan for financing. Together with you, we will work on what you need for your success.
As we are a certified company, we are authorized to work with all employment agencies and job centers in Germany. The costs for your coaching via an AVGS (activation and placement voucher) can therefore be covered in full.
As a speciality, we offer you the path to a smart business (see Module 7), which differs in many ways from traditional self-employment. Here, too, it is necessary to build up the company with perseverance and care. This applies in particular to products with a wow effect and the development of a fan base of customers. Specially certified coaches are available for Smart Business Concepts Coaching.
Let us advise you on this. An initial consultation is always free of charge and without obligation.
We look forward to getting to know you.
If you want to know whether you should start a business, this is the right module for you. Here you will learn decision-making methodologies and what it means to think and act entrepreneurially. These tools will help you know whether you should dive in.
Founder coaching contents
- Founder person and business idea
- Strengths and weaknesses analysis
- Gallup Test
- Values
- Fit of business idea and purpose
- Self-motivation
33 personal coaching sessions of 45 minutes in 4 weeks.
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be
conducted online from the comfort of your home.
We always customise our coaching sessions to the individual needs of our clients.
We can choose between different coaches for each topic.
Of course we’ll do it together with you.
Carsten Hokema ist one option. >> hier are our coaches.
The people on the “market” are not waiting for your product. To be successful, your product must be “wow”. In this module, we work on your product with you, and show you how to test it, so you can be confident of how your product is a “wow!”. You will then be ready for the market and the market ready for you.
Founder coaching contents
- Idea development
- Strategy tableau according to Mewes/Bürkle
- Business Model Canvas
- Business idea check
- Prototype
- Proof of Concept I
- Pre-series product
- Proof of Concept II
- Final product
- Evaluation and interface of marketing and sales
43 personal coaching sessions of 45 minutes in 6 weeks.
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be
conducted online from the comfort of your home.
Two features of business development are the Business Plan and the Business Model Canvas. In this module, you will learn about both to decide which one you want to use. Even though you don’t have to plan everything and ultimately can’t plan everything, it is good to have a framework in which your business should develop. On an important note: for the Gründungszuschuss (start-up grant) and the Einstiegsgeld (start-up grant for former unemployed), you always need a business plan, and we help you create it.
Founder coaching contents
- Creation of Canvas Model
- Text component of Business plan
- Numerical component of Business plan
- Business forms
- Legal forms
- Accounting and taxes
- Insurances
- Subsidies and Financing
- Tragfähigkeitsbescheinigung (Certificate of viability)
43 personal coaching sessions of 45 minutes in 6 weeks.
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be
conducted online from the comfort of your home.
Maßnahmenummer: 922 / 7 / 23
Sie kennen das vielleicht vom Sport. Decathletes can deliver absolute top performance,
nevertheless, the best in the respective disciplines are always specialists.
For this reason, we do not have one person who deals with all topics, but rather specialists for each area. We will put together a team of top people for you, tailored to your individual needs.
Irina Alexandra could be a coach for you. >> Click here for the entire coaching team
Marketing and sales are perhaps the two leading disciplines of all entrepreneurial activities and skills. After all, this is where you show who you are and see what the market thinks of you and your products. You need a strategy and a system that you can follow.
Founder coaching contents
- Industry-check
- Market research
- Competitor analysis
- Customer benefit
- Market development strategy
- Pricing/Models
- Sales planning
- Communication strategy
- Corporate Identity
- Corporate design and website development
- Social media strategy
43 personal coaching sessions of 45 minutes in 6 weeks.
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be
conducted online from the comfort of your home.
Maßnahmenummer: 922 / 4 / 23
Our coaches have one thing in common. They all love helping other people and coaching them as equals. Appreciation is very important to us. Each of the coaches has specialised areas. Together with you, we will put together the right team for your individual topics.
Bianca may be an option. Take a look at our entire team. >> Coaching team
This module is ideally suited for people who want to start up a business as well as for active entrepreneurs and self-employed people. We deal with strategy, business model and also your central personal motive as a founder or entrepreneur. We focus on you and your situation. You want to organize yourself better? You want to develop a new product? You finally need an effective strategy? Whatever your concern is, here you will get what you need to really get on track.
Founder coaching contents
- Development of business idea
- Fit of business idea and purpose
- Competitor analysis
- Customer benefit
- Market development strategy
- Business Model Canvas
- Business forms
- Insurances
- Subsidies and Financing
- Text component of Business plan
- Numerical component of Business plan
- Tragfähigkeitsbescheinigung (Certificate of viability)
- Accounting and taxes
- Corporate Identity
- Corporate design and website development
- Social media strategy
63 Individual coaching sessions of 45 minutes in 8 weeks.
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be
conducted online from the comfort of your home.
Maßnahmenummer: 922 / 21 / 23
It is rare that someone masters all areas perfectly. As you can imagine, someone who is excellent at creating a business plan is not necessarily the best designer and vice versa.
Genau aus diesem Grund haben wir ein Team zusammengestellt, das Sie in Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen individuell coachen wird. This is how we achieved the optimum for you and the highest quality.
Inga can be part of this team. But take a look at our entire coaching team and their specialities. >> Coaching team
This module is aimed specifically at founders and architects
Contents of the architect:interior consultation
- Positioning
- Strategic orientation
- Self-organization
- Further topics as required and of your choice …
Further information about our products for architects:innen please hier >>.
Smart Business is a special, contemporary way of setting up and running your own business for people for whom far-reaching independence is particularly important, especially in terms of time and place. The focus is on the founder’s personality and their need for personal development and the connection with a viable business concept.
Founder coaching contents
- Personality and business type
- Potential radar
- Idea development and proof of concept
- Product development / product staircase
- Organisational model
- Marketing and sales
Note: Working on a smart business is also possible with AVGS!
The appointments are scheduled individually with flexibility and can be conducted online from the comfort of your home.
Measure number: 000 / 00 / 00
A smart business differs from traditional self-employment in many ways,
as smart companies are concerned, among other things, with the development and construction of systems that help transform services into products.
However, a smart company is not an escalator to automatic wealth and success.
Here too (as with traditional start-ups), it is necessary to go about your work with care and perseverance. This applies in particular to products with a wow effect and the development of a fan base of customers.
Specially certified coaches are available for Smart Business Concepts Coaching.
You can also find out more on our project page >>> “The path to a smart company”