Thomas Mampel

You are an expert in:

Team coaching, start-ups in the social sector

Your area of specialization:

Management, project management, team development


I am a trained social worker, co-founder of a non-profit organisation that now employs around 230 people and managing partner of ANDERSBERATER/INNEN. On the side, I am a trained team developer (Teamworks, Hamburg) and honorary federal chairman of the Association for Social-Cultural Work, the professional association for neighbourhood and district work in Germany.

Your “signature” as a coach/consultant:

There is no substitute for experience. With my wealth of experience (successes and failures), I stand by the side of founders and teams and accompany them in finding and moving their way.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

I like it very much when visions and “abstracts” and sometimes unsorted ideas become concrete, sustainable, functioning projects and ventures. I like to support this with advice and action.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Coffee…., lots of coffee…….

Your life motto:

Everything we are is the result of our thinking.

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Persistent, friendly, confident

Your favorite place:

any beach at the Baltic Sea

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Listen to your intuition, look for experts you trust, be diligent and don’t forget the breaks.

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?

why or?