Tanja Tilly Till

You are an expert in:

I am a business and life coach as well as a copywriter.

My specials are intuitive copywriting, dynamic constellations and wingwave ®.


From a graduate in business administration with a focus on journalism, I became a copywriter for small and international companies. I was able to experience the beauty of learning and teaching as a Waldorf class teacher of an inclusion class. At the Dr. Bock Coaching Academy I trained as a systemic life coach. Because it just works well, I have furthered my education in walking in your shoes, wingwave® and Reiki and work as a lecturer and facilitator for workshops. As a business and life coach, I support courageous people who want to change, including crisp wording if desired.

Your “signature” as a coach:

Intuitive as well as creative, empathetic as well as honest, pragmatic as well as energetic.

What do you like most about your work at ANDERSBERATER/INNEN?

Building a business, becoming self-employed, daring to try something new. The step to start a business requires so much courage and is such an important process in our society that I love to support.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

Love, success and relaxation

Your favorite motto:

Fiat Lux! (Let there be light!)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

Optimistic, sensitive, imaginative.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

First of all, pat yourself on the back! And then dare to ask: How could it be really nice?

Sushi or Pizza?


Sea or the mountains?


Sweet or salty?
