Nico Nowarra

Your area of specialization:

Strategic alignment of companies, defining target groups


After studying computer science and political science, I worked as a broadcast journalist, in the back office, and at the microphone. I started writing for print magazines and teaching at various universities in Berlin.
After about 11 years in radio, I was drawn to the other side and became part of a technology start-up. There I spent the next few years helping to strategically align the company and represent the company at events.
For the last two years I have been offering my experience as a freelancer again.

What do you particularly enjoy about your work as a coach?

I find the exchange with entrepreneurs particularly enriching. Adapting to people’s different backgrounds and careers is an important part of my work.

What should not be missing on your perfect day?

I need to be close to my family and have some time to myself to read a good book or watch an exciting movie.

Your favorite quote:

The state of all human morality can be summed up in two sentences: We ought to. But we don’t. (Kurt Tucholsky)

What distinguishes you as a person (in 3 words):

I want to understand.

Your favorite place:

On the beach in Sardinia.

What advice do you give to your coachees?

Stay honest with yourself.

Sushi or Pizza?

Today like this, tomorrow like that.

Sea or the mountains?

More sea!

Sweet or salty?
