andersberater:innen-Logbuch #43

The world is constantly changing. And it feels like many things are developing for the worse. Crises, wars, the dramatic consequences of climate change, an increasing social (and political) divide in society. Little cause for optimism and a spirit of optimism.

Martin Luther is credited with the quote: ‘If I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I would plant an apple tree today’. We like this attitude. The world probably won’t end tomorrow. And maybe we won’t plant the apple tree quoted. But we can radiate optimism and confidence through our actions and infect others with it.

We often deal with confident people who turn to andersberater:innen because they want to use our support and expertise for their start-up project. As part of our coaching sessions, we accompany these people for a while – and are always amazed at the great little ventures that emerge. On our blog page, you can find some great examples that are encouraging and perhaps contagious.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck and others are calling for an ‘economic update’, a transformation of Germany as a business location. This is only possible with good entrepreneurs: People who get to work and see crises as an opportunity, who are prepared to take personal risks. Entrepreneurs who take on the ecological, social and societal challenges with an entrepreneurial attitude.

The times for this are favourable: many problems are waiting for meaningful and valuable answers, many small and medium-sized companies are desperately looking for succession solutions because the old ‘founder generation’ is retiring, social organisations are building up (social) entrepreneurial expertise because it is becoming increasingly clear that solving social problems requires new answers and that they can no longer be solved solely according to the rules of ‘welfare thinking’. Architects are building new business models because they are realising that the upheavals in the construction and housing market can no longer be overcome without new entrepreneurial expertise.

Für all diese Menschen sind die andersberater:innen eine gute Ansprechstation: Uns interessieren Apfelbäumchen. Und andere gute Ideen!

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