Irina Alexandra

Coachin Irina Tarasova

Deine Arbeitsfelder/Spezialisierung:
(Your focus)

Supporting early days entrepreneurs (particularly in creative and “helping” fields) to ensure they have a strong internal base to build from, by 
• Getting clear on the purpose behind their business 
• Finding their USP at the intersection of their authentic selves and what is needed in the market   
• Clarifying who their ideal client is and how to attract them 
• Gaining confidence to own what they have to offer and charge for it accordingly 
• Creating a plan and structure that works for them

Werdegang: (Career) 

Math & Economics Teacher at a college for expats who want to study in Germany ->
Full time bar keeper in a rural Bavaria ->
Corporate ladder climber in a Fortune 500 company ->
Business Coach & Training Facilitator 

Deine „Handschrift“ als Coach/ Berater/in: 
(Your signature as a coach)

Calling out your bs but in the most compassionate way 

Worüber freust Du Dich besonders in Deiner Arbeit als Coach/Berater? 
(What do you most enjoy in your job as a coach?)

Watching people pursue their dreams and do/be more than anyone (including themselves) thought was possible  

Was darf an Deinem perfekten Tag nicht fehlen?
(What does your perfect day have to have?)

Sport, learning something new, meaningful connections…and good food 🙂 

Dein Lieblingszitat
(Favorite quote)

“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. 
If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”  – Lewis Carrol

Was zeichnet Dich als Mensch aus (in 3 Worten):
(Describe yourself in 3 words) 

Curious, Kind, Searching 

Dein Lieblingsort:
(Your favorite place) 


Welchen Tipp / welche Empfehlung gibst Du Deinen Coachees?
(What’s one piece of advice you give to your coachees?)

Slow down to speed up